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- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 13:34:45 PDT
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #132
- To: info-mac-list
- Info-Mac Digest Wed, 5 Oct 94 Volume 12 : Issue 132
- Today's Topics:
- [*] 19" H.R. Giger Screens - Group 4
- [*] 3DStresses; a scientific application
- [*] Drop*Disk 1.0b3; mounts disk images
- [*] e-disk-20-demo; a disk compression utility
- [*] FlashStars II; a PowerMac native screensaver
- [*] FLUT.94A; a floppy disk utility
- [*] GraphicConverter 2.0.2 (US); convert between graphics formats
- [*] King's Corner 1.0.1; a solitaire card game
- [*] Mac_Rogue; a game
- [*] MacMasterMind; a game
- [*] Mac Net Journal - October 01, 1994
- [*] MacPPP QuicKeys; script control ofthe MacPPP control panel
- [*] MacSense11 Black and White; an electronic magazine
- [*] New Newsreader: NewsHopper 1.0 Demo
- [*] ObiWan 5.0.1; programmings information database
- [*] Option-Tab Program Switcher
- [*] Outland complete install
- [*] Outland Gateway 1.2.2
- [*] PlainText v. 1.3.4--a text editor
- [*] Prince of Destruction 1.0.2; a game
- [*] SpiroChart 1.6. Generate spiral designs with Excel.
- [*] SuperSlide1.01; a HyperCard based graphics viewer
- (Q) SCSI 4.3 Problems?
- 7.5 CDROM?
- [A] How to automatically click the default button
- [Q] MOD Files FTP Site
- Bus error with Stickies
- can't eject SyQuest disks with File Sharing on (2 msgs)
- color startup screen?
- Dialup Eudora & Multinet POP
- Duo shuts down while asleep
- Fishing Guide/Tide Programs
- folder locking utility?
- Laserwriter Driver 8.2 Question
- linux for ppcs (native)?
- loading image in MacWeb
- Looking for a (logical symbol) Font (A)
- Mac Plus
- Microsoft Excel 5.0 Bad Disks?
- Mosaic 200a8.68k does some crazy stuff
- Performa 578??
- Positive comments about 7.5? Faster? Huh?
- Printer driver for HP Deskjet Plus
- Problems with new modems
- QuickCONNECT II???
- Quickdraw GX Install Problem
- SCSI Manager 4.3 Conflicts
- Seeking speed reports from PowerMac users [R]
- Sharing Toggle
- Spanish Translation
- Stats Packages
- System 7.5 performance is disappointing
- Thumbnail icon maker FOUND!
- Thumbnail icon maker s/w
- Visual C/C++ on SoftWindows?
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (see below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 14:36:07 -0400
- From: kkirksey@world.std.com (Ken Kirksey)
- Subject: [*] 19" H.R. Giger Screens - Group 4
- This archive contains scans of the following works by H.R. Giger, suitable
- for use as backgrounds screens on 1024x768 (19"/20"/21") monitors:
- 483 - Doppeltorso Mit Haken
- 579 - Biomechanical Landscape I
- 603 - Biomechanical Landscape
- All the images are in JPEG compressed PICT format. You should be able to
- use these files as-is with DeskPict, Decor, DeskPicture, or Fun Pictures IF
- you have QuickTime 1.6 or later installed. If you do not have QuickTime
- installed, you'll have to convert the image to an uncompressed PICT before
- use.
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/giger-19in-grp4.hqx; 407K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 19:01:27 MST
- From: "Matt Warner" <WARNERM@caedm.et.byu.edu>
- Subject: [*] 3DStresses; a scientific application
- This is a piece of software which was originally written in Basic on an
- IBM-compatible. Being stubborn and
- refusing to believe that engineering was an IBM-only world, I have converted it
- into a Macintosh program.
- Please excuse any deviations from the Macintosh norm and for not presenting a
- more polished program- this is
- my first attempt at code which includes interface calls.
- This program is fairly technical in nature and is intended for anyone who is
- familiar with Stress theory, Mohr's
- circle, and Mechanical Engineering in general.
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/three-d-stresses.hqx; 174K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 14:02:19 -0700
- From: mikew@apple.com (Mike Wiese)
- Subject: [*] Drop*Disk 1.0b3; mounts disk images
- enclosed is Drop*Disk 1.0b3, a little drag and drop app for mounting disk
- images
- you can mount as many as you like, and the disk image files can reside on
- an AppleShare server, no need to copy them to a local disk!
- Revision History
- 1.0b3
- Changed name due to a conflict with Bill Steinberg's MountEm FKEY. Oops.
- Added small icons.
- mike wiese
- MacOS Filesystems Engineer
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/drop-disk-10b3.hqx; 13K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 01:15:58 PDT
- From: dabucejo@galaxy.csc.calpoly.edu (Domingo G Abucejo)
- Subject: [*] e-disk-20-demo; a disk compression utility
- This is a demo version of Alysis's eDisk 2.0. eDisk is
- an application that can expand any hard drive(s) using driver-
- level compression. This demo version will allow you to expand
- your hard drive by 1.5 times, e.g., 500MB will expand to 750MB
- and so on.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/e-disk-20-demo.hqx; 195K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 13:42:01 -0500
- From: danpetit@halcyon.halcyon.com (Daniel A. Petit)
- Subject: [*] FlashStars II; a PowerMac native screensaver
- The following message and the attached file were downloaded from American
- Online. I couldn't find this native PPC screen saver on the Internet, so I
- thought I should send it to you:
- >****** About FlashStars II (for Power Macintosh) ******
- >
- >FlashStars II is the first application-based screen saver that will blank and
- >protect your screen after you leave your computer for a period of time. It
- >hides in the background and watches your keyboard activities. You can forget
- >control panel conflict since FlashStars II is an application! In addition, it
- >allows you to change the speed and sizes of stars, and it plays music, too.
- >
- >FlashStars II is based on the previous freeware FlashStars and MusicStars, but
- >we added more functions to it. (Dragonsoft owns the copyright of FlashStars
- >II, but we would love to answer questions about the previous versions).
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/flash-stars-ii-ppc.hqx; 51K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 00:50:19 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Alex Tang <altitude@umich.edu>
- Subject: [*] FLUT.94A; a floppy disk utility
- Hi folks.
- This is an update i did of FLUT. The floppy utility created by Miguel
- Cruz. Basically all i did was make it run under System 7.
- There's a readme file, and miguel's original program notes under the apple
- menu are really good.
- thanx.
- ...alex...
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/flut-94a.hqx; 143K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Oct 94 14:18:04 EDT
- From: Thorsten Lemke <100102.1304@compuserve.com>
- Subject: [*] GraphicConverter 2.0.2 (US); convert between graphics formats
- this archive contains GraphicConverter 2.0.2 (US)
- GraphicConverter converts the most famous (about 50) graphic file
- formats from UNIX, AMIGA, ATARI, DOS, WINDOWS and OS/2 to MAC
- formats and back.
- Also, there are a lot of useful features like slide show and
- batch conversion.
- Thorsten Lemke
- E-Mail: 100102.1304@compuserve.com
- thorsten_lemke@pe2.escape.de
- thorsten_lemke@pe.maus.de
- Version 2.0.2
- . bug in CCITT decompression fixed
- . bug with 24 bit BMP import fixed
- . background color for slide show selectable
- . you can now open pictures with a preset scaling factor
- . 32bit sun-rasterfile import added
- . GC can now calculate on optimized color table for 16 bit and 32bit images
- on 8 bit devices
- . new batch command: trim existing
- . better support of GIF comments
- . bug in SGI import fixed
- . old style StartupScreens (from datafork) are supported
- . Black and White PCX will not be inverted
- . Convert More cuts a filename automatically to 31 characters
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/graphic-converter-202.hqx; 561K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 12:57:04 -0500 (CDT)
- From: Steve Waltner <swaltner@helios.wichitaks.NCR.COM>
- Subject: [*] King's Corner 1.0.1; a solitaire card game
- Hi There!
- I finally released my first game - a very clean implementation of the
- famous solitaire card game.
- WARNING! This is an addictive game!
- King's Corner will runn on any Macintosh running System 7.x.x or greater
- with ColorQuickDraw (PowerBooks and PowerPCs too!). King's Corner works
- with multiple monitors in any bit depth (although it looks a bit skanky
- in black and white).
- See "HOW TO PLAY" in the about box for more information. Feel free to
- give this to anybody with a Macintosh.
- Thanks for playing.
- Craig Marciniak
- P.S.
- Yes! it is too possible to win -- I'm sure!
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/kings-corner-101.hqx; 268K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 15:26:25 +0100 (MET)
- From: marco@maya.dei.unipd.it (Marco Pontil)
- Subject: [*] Mac_Rogue; a game
- This is the porting of the UNIX game Rogue on Mac. I wrote this
- program to learn how to to progrm a mac, however it is not so
- bad, at least my friends like it. Beh, play ! I wish you all
- the possible fun !!!
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/mac-rogue.hqx; 936K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 17:24:29 -0500
- From: pierre@galaxy.ph.tn.tudelft.nl (Pierre Ermes)
- Subject: [*] MacMasterMind; a game
- MacMasterMind can be played in two ways; either the computer
- makes a hidden code and you take a guess at it, or you make
- a hidden code and the computer guesses it.
- I have paid special attention to the graphics, hope you notice it...
- The game is compacted with Compact Pro and BinHex'ed,
- Have fun!
- pierre@ph.tn.tudelft.nl (Pierre Ermes)
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/mac-master-mind.hqx; 292K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 17:02:16 -0500
- From: Aaron Anderson <aaron@netaxs.com>
- Subject: [*] Mac Net Journal - October 01, 1994
- SUMEX-AIM posted the previous issue of Mac Net Journal (from
- September 1994) in your periodicals section. Attached is the October 01,
- 1994 issue. Issues should be coming out biweekly from now on.
- Thanks for your support.
- Aaron Anderson
- aaron@netaxs.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/mnet/mac-net-journal-94-10-01.hqx; 139K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 21:08:35 +0000
- From: Richard Buckle <richardb@cocytus.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: [*] MacPPP QuicKeys; script control ofthe MacPPP control panel
- A set of three QuicKeys extensions to to allow QuicKeys to open and close
- MacPPP and take decisions based on whether MacPPP is open or closed.
- Requires System 7, QuicKeys 3.0 or better and MacPPP.
- Also includes some colour icons for MacPPP.
- Postcardware.
- Enjoy.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/mac-ppp-quick-keys.hqx; 41K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 10:10:01 -0500
- From: rgray@ccs.carleton.ca (Robert Gray)
- Subject: [*] MacSense11 Black and White; an electronic magazine
- Due to popular request we are sending a Black and White version of MacSense
- 11. Future issues will be B&W friendly and suited to the 512 wide screen
- again due to many requests. Look for us. Write to us. We are always
- interested in horror/funny (either/both) anecdotes.
- Please post. Thanks..
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/macs/mac-sense-11-bw.hqx; 109K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 15:40:16 +0000
- From: Laurent Humbert <laurent@mach.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: [*] New Newsreader: NewsHopper 1.0 Demo
- NewsHopper is a new Usenet newsreader for the Mac. It is full-featured and
- has especially been designed for offline newsreading.
- NewsHopper requires System 7 as well as a MacTCP access to a news (NNTP)
- server.
- In this demo version, deleting and purging of articles in the local
- database has been disabled (A demo version that gives _more_ than the full
- version :)
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/news-hopper-10-demo.hqx; 353K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 13:50:48 +0800
- From: Peter N Lewis <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au>
- Subject: [*] ObiWan 5.0.1; programmings information database
- ObiWan is a general help system. You can create several databses
- and ObiWan will let you rapidly find information from them. It
- displays the information by popping up a floating window so the
- information can be displayed at any time in any program. Portions
- of the information can then be sent to the front window as if you
- had typed it. The main use of all this is to access the programming
- database created from Apple=B9s PInterfacesHelp file and many other
- sources, which includes the procedures, traps, global variables and
- errors available up to most of System 7.5.
- Three databases are included, the Force database which has all the
- System 7 programming information, a Words database which is just a
- list of words, useful for checking spelling, and a Perl database which
- lists all the Perl commands.
- Any programmer with a meg of disk space available should definitely
- have a look at this (IMNVHO :-). The normal use is to figure out the
- parameters of various calls, for example, if I want to know the
- parameters for HOpen, I can get them pasted in like this:
- OSErr:=3DHOpen(vRefNum_INTEGER,dirID_LONGINT,fileName_Str255,
- permission_SignedByte,VAR_refNum_INTEGER);
- (in either C or Pascal format)
- This is almost a complete rewrite of ObiWan, it now uses a floating
- window and has a much more friendly user interface.
- Changes since v5.0.0 (distributed only on the Metrowerks CD)
- ~A few minor bug fixes
- Changes since v4.0.1:
- ~Almost complete rewrite.
- ~Use TextServicesManager to display the floating window.
- ~Change from INIT/Control Pannel to an Application.
- ~A way to dynamically switch between insertion procedures.
- ObiWan requires System 7.1 or later and is free.
- I hope it proves as useful to you as it does to me,
- Peter.
- ObiWan 5.0.1 Copyright Peter N Lewis <peter@kagi.com>
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/obi-wan-501.hqx; 729K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 03 Oct 1994 22:06:19 GMT
- From: Michael_Kamprath@lamg.com (Michael Kamprath)
- Subject: [*] Option-Tab Program Switcher
- Option-Tab Program Switcher (OTPS) is a useful little extension which allows
- you to switch between the running programs on your System 7 or greater Mac
- via simple "Option-Tab" keystroke. This extension was inspired by Windows.
- "Whoah!" you say, "Why write Windows functionality for a great machine like
- the Macintosh?" I use Windows at work and became fond of this functionality
- (Well, actually, I got so use to it that I found myself doing it on my Mac).
- So one afternoon I sat down and wrote an system extension to do this.
- Michael Kamprath
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/option-tab-switcher.hqx; 10K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 16:35:16 PDT
- From: wlipa@outland.com (Bill Lipa)
- Subject: [*] Outland complete install
- Outland is a graphical multiplayer game network for Macintosh users
- available through the Internet and by modem. Currently, the applications we
- have available are Spaceward Ho!, Chess, Reversi, Backstab, Hearts, Galley,
- and a graphical BBS.
- This month we've radically changed our pricing scheme. Now you can play as
- much as you want for a flat fee -- no per hour charges. Also in this
- update are revamped Spaceward Ho and Card lobbies that have ranking systems,
- a new arcade-style game by Adam Miller, and bug fixes everywhere.
- You can connect to Outland if your Mac has Internet access using MacTCP, if
- you have a Unix, Delphi, or other account that can Telnet, or
- if you dial our modems in Palo Alto, California.
- Bill
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/com/outland-complete.hqx; 3517K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 16:36:34 PDT
- From: wlipa@outland.com (Bill Lipa)
- Subject: [*] Outland Gateway 1.2.2
- The Outland Gateway is the networking application for Outland. If you already
- have Outland software, you probably just need to get this file instead of the
- larger Outland Complete Installer.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/com/outland-gateway-122.hqx; 733K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 1994 18:22:40 -0500 (CDT)
- Subject: [*] PlainText v. 1.3.4--a text editor
- PlainText is the freeware, auto-wordwrapping text editor that has no
- 32K limit. It incorporates a useful set of conversion features for
- converting between DOS, Unix, and Mac text file conventions, stripping
- linefeeds and control characters, search for and stripping lines
- containing certain patterns. It implements all the standard features
- of a text editor, including search and replace, regular expression
- searching, hard and soft word-wrap, including full interconvertability
- between the two. It even implements a number of operating system
- functions through a command-line interface.
- Version 1.3.4 fixes some bugs and will now open an empty text window
- upon launch.
- Mel Park
- University of Tennessee, Memphis
- [Archived as /info-mac/text/plain-text-134.hqx; 125K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 17:25:16 -0500
- From: tonio@jolt.mpx.com.au (Tonio Loewald)
- Subject: [*] Prince of Destruction 1.0.2; a game
- This is a game with the action of gauntlet, the depth of Ultima, runs
- in real time, 16/256 colour graphics, network play with registration.
- Save game, progress beyond level 5, and completion disabled until
- you register. There is also a sixty minute time limit.
- Fee is US$25 for single-player; US$40 4-player net license. We will
- accept good faith foreign currency equivalents.
- New features include several user requests and some useful suggestions.
- Most or all known bugs as of 30/9/94 should be fixed. POD will now
- run on 630s and (we fervently hope) on 660/840AVs and PB520/540s.
- The new updater uses proprietary technology which vastly reduces
- its size and download time. Please contact us if you have any
- problems with it. We're trying to save you time and money.
- Contact: tonio@mpx.com.au
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/pod-102.hqx; 2551K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/pod-10-to-102-updt.hqx; 145K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/pod-101-to-102-updt.hqx; 138K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/pod-102-player.hqx; 114K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 17:24:09 -0500
- From: Paul Koch <prkoch@engecs1.unl.edu>
- Subject: [*] SpiroChart 1.6. Generate spiral designs with Excel.
- SpiroChart 1.6 generates an endless and fascinating variety of spiral and
- angular designs based on numbers selected by the user. SpiroChart is a
- collection of spreadsheets created with Excel 4.0.
- Changes from version 1.5: New spreadsheet allows transformation of
- shapes along one axis. Also included is a QuickTime movie made from a
- series of SpiroChart figures.
- Paul Koch
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/spiro-chart-16-excel.hqx; 483K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 20:37:40 -0400
- From: "Javier Diaz" <xdiaz@ECNET.ec>
- Subject: [*] SuperSlide1.01; a HyperCard based graphics viewer
- Attached is SuperSlide1.01.sit an update version which fix a bug reading JFIF
- files, please remove the old file.
- SuperSlide! is a combination of a native PowerPC program and a stack of
- HyperCard 2.1, wich can display PICT, JPEG, JFIF, GIF, PIC (CLP) and PCX files
- in "slide shows" controlled by AppleEvents.
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/super-slide-101-hc.hqx; 112K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 11:29:02 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Tim Colson <tlcolson@cmg.health.ufl.edu>
- Subject: (Q) SCSI 4.3 Problems?
- I have a problem with a Sigma Designs PowerPortrait on a PowerBook 145
- with and external HD and CD and System 7.5 - even with just the Sigma
- Control Panel running - it causes crashes and odd display ghosting and such.
- It has been suggested that the "invisible" asynch SCSI might be the
- culprit? Anyone have any suggestions..and/or ideas how to get rid of it
- besides going into ResEdit, making it "visible" and then dragging it out?
- Timothy Colson
- "tlcolson@ufl.edu"
- Thanks Everybody!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 19:18:13 MST
- From: jlundell@skull.opus.com (Jonathan Lundell)
- Subject: 7.5 CDROM?
- I have a Q610 with a CD-ROM, as well as a IIcx and a Duo 210 on an AppleTalk
- network. If I get System 7.5 on CD-ROM, obviously I can load it with no
- trouble on the Quadra. If necessary, I can move the drive to the cx. But
- can I load 7.5 across the net on the Duo?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 05 Oct 1994 15:45:23 +0100
- From: edh@wn3.sci.kun.NL (Edward Hoenkamp)
- Subject: [A] How to automatically click the default button
- >I am trying to find a way to click the OK (or default) button in a Mac
- Try Dan Walkowski's 'Okey-Dokey' on .../info-mac/gui/. Edward.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 13:11 MDT
- From: "John T. Levandowski" <JTL@REH2.MED.UTAH.EDU>
- Subject: [Q] MOD Files FTP Site
- I am looking for an FTP site that has lots of MOD files available for
- download. I want to be able to play these files using Sound-Trecker.
- Please let me know by e-mail if you know of a good FTP site for MOD files.
- Thanks,
- John Levandowski
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 94 11:40:05 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: Bus error with Stickies
- Mark A. Saper (saper@umich.edu) writes:
- >Has anyone encountered a bus error trying to run Stickies? It seems to be
- >conflicting with one of my extensions and I don't know where to start to
- locate
- >it.
- On my Quadra 950 I had to disable SCSI Manager 4.3 due to a conflict with
- Stickies and a couple of others. It's probably related to my Fujitsu 2GB
- drive, but I'm not a disk whiz...
- Try disabling it and see what happens.
- Scott Coats
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 23:00:53 -0600
- From: RadicalLib@aol.com (Radical Liberation)
- Subject: can't eject SyQuest disks with File Sharing on
- >I can't eject SyQuest disks with File Sharing on, even though Sharing is
- >disabled for the disk I'd like to remove.
- Congratulations! It took me a long time to figure that out. You
- also can't change the name of a disk that is being shared. About the eject
- problem, we should complain loudly and complain often. (This problem
- affects any removable media bigger than a floppy, including CD-ROMs.)
- >Is there a workaround?
- Oh my yes. Some kind Apple engineer made a little program called
- UnmountIt that, when a drive icon is dropped on it...
- 1) turns off file sharing
- 2) unmounts the dropped drive(s)
- 3) turns file sharing back on
- A real kludge, but it works for me...
- (Here's the folder:)
- ftp://ftp.austin.apple.com/Apple.Support.Area/Apple.Software.Updates/Unsuppo
- rted.SW/UnmountIt.v1.0/
- (Here's the readme:)
- ftp://ftp.austin.apple.com/Apple.Support.Area/Apple.Software.Updates/Unsuppo
- rted.SW/UnmountIt.v1.0/Unmontolt.readme.txt
- (Here's the application itself:)
- ftp://ftp.austin.apple.com/Apple.Support.Area/Apple.Software.Updates/Unsuppo
- rted.SW/UnmountIt.v1.0/UnmountIt.v1.0.sea.hqx
- I am
- Radical Liberation.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 16:12:55 GMT
- From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
- Subject: can't eject SyQuest disks with File Sharing on
- Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
- >I can't eject SyQuest disks with File Sharing on, even though Sharing is
- >disabled for the disk I'd like to remove.
- 1) Turn FS off.
- 2) eject disk.
- 3) Turn FS on.
- This is done with "unmountit".
- See sumex mirrors: "disk/unmountit-10.hqx"
- Sven
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 12:58:31 PDT
- Subject: color startup screen?
- Received: from VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU (NJE origin LISTSERV@UIUCVMD) by
- VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU (LMail V1.2a/1.8a) with BSMTP id 1723; Wed,
- 5 Oct 1994 14:59:42 -0500
- Date: 5 October 1994, 15:54:14 EDT
- From: Robert E. Moore 404-651-3990 PRPREM at GSUVM1
- Subject: color startup screen?
- When I use GIFConverter 2.3.7 and save a color GIF file as a startup
- screen (and rename it StartupScreen) it only shows in B&W on start up.
- What am I doing wrong? Equipment: Quardra 650. Any help is appreciated.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 18:42:23 EDT
- From: Doug Larrick (HLO2-2/G12; DTN 225-6017) 04-Oct-1994 1832 -0400
- <larrick@cadsys.enet.dec.com>
- Subject: Dialup Eudora & Multinet POP
- Has anyone gotten dialup Eudora to work with Multinet's POP
- server running on VMS? I've gotten past the terminal server
- into the POP port (to the point where faking the POP server
- with commands works fine), but I can't get any further. The
- problem seems to be that Eudora is expecting (at least) a
- linefeed character, but Multinet is only sending a carriage
- return. (Eudora lets you customize what it *sends* for a
- line ending, evidently, but not what it should *expect*.)
- I've verified my theory by using another Mac over a serial
- line to pretend to be a POP server--if I send LFs, Eudora's
- happy, but if I don't, it doesn't do anything. I don't know
- where to go from here.
- I tried Eudora 1.4.2, as well as SFU's Eudora (1.3.1).
- Please help--my phone bills will thank you!
- -Doug
- [Disclaimer: I speak not for Digital]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 09:54:14 -0600
- From: marks@boulder.nist.gov (Roger Marks)
- Subject: Duo shuts down while asleep
- Hi. I need some advice on a Duo problem and also on an Apple warranty problem.
- I bought a Duo 230 almost 2 months ago. Ever since it was new, it's had the
- annoying habit of shutting down while asleep. It does this only when moved,
- but the movement isn't too severe. Nearly every time I carry it in my
- backpack on the bus, the problem occurs. However, I haven't been able to
- make it shut down by shaking or twisting it.
- The reason this problem is so irritating is that, once the Duo shuts down
- in this way, it will not restart unless I plug in to external power.
- Therefore, I end up carrying around a dead weight a lot of time.
- I talked to 1-800-SOS-APPL a few times about this. They said to resinsert
- the battery in a certain way, but this didn't help. They then said that I
- probably needed either a new logic board or a new magnesium frame, and that
- I should bring it in for service. I was skeptical of this theory, but I got
- finally got frustrated enough to bring it to a dealer. It was in the
- "locked-up" mode when I brought it in, so the technician needed to start it
- using a power adaptor. Nevertheless, he insists that there is no hardware
- problem, because he couldn't duplicate it by shaking. Furthermore, he
- claims that the problem is due an INIT, probably CPU, which he claims is
- "notorious" for causing these sorts of problems. I highly doubt that, and
- he can't explain why a software problem is intimately related to movement
- of the machine, but he goes on to argue that I should never move a
- PowerBook anyway while it's asleep. I pointed out that I've been doing this
- for 2 years with a PowerBook 100, and he responded that the Duos are more
- susceptible to movement.
- I know that Apple originally recommended not moving the PBs while asleep,
- lest they wake and spin up the drive. Of course, the Duo has a sleep switch
- to ensure that the machine stays asleep when the lid is closed.
- The most pressing issue is that the technician claims that "no problem" is
- not covered by Apple's warranty, so it will cost me $25 to pick up the
- machine. He says that he'll refund the money if it turns our that there
- _is_ a hardware problem. However, I can't see how I can demonstrate that if
- I can't duplicate it on command, even if I remove _all_ my INITs. The only
- evidence I have is that, upon delivery at the shop, the computer won't
- restart without a power adaptor, but this doesn't seem to make much of an
- impression.
- I'd would love to hear any ideas about either the technical problem or how
- to handle the warranty problem.
- Thanks a lot,
- Roger
- Marks@boulder.nist.gov NIST/Boulder, CO
- phone 303-497-3037 fax 303-497-7828
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 05 Oct 94 09:05:17 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: Fishing Guide/Tide Programs
- I have a customer looking for a fishing guide program and a tide program.
- There are several for DOS/Windoze. Anyone know of a package for Macintosh?
- Please cc: my email address INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Scott Coats
- Innovative Solutions
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 14:36:21 GMT-5
- From: "Karen Schlosberg" <KARENS@mcet.edu>
- Subject: folder locking utility?
- hi,
- could someone tell me if there's a utility available that will lock
- selected folders/files? making them invisible would be OK, too. it would
- have to work on a network.
- thanks!
- karen ;-)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 21:47:07 MEZ
- From: ul63@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
- Subject: Laserwriter Driver 8.2 Question
- Hello Netters!
- Just downloaded the new Apple Laserwiter driver 8.2 from
- ftp.support.apple.com.
- Comes without installer script so I had no problems to install it on my Classic
- II
- running german system 7.1. I moved the preference file outside the Preferences
- folder as writen in the Read Me. So long everything went fine. But when I tried
- to chosse Page setup or Print in the File menu error -39 occured.
- Has someone an explanation or better a solution?
- Many thanks in advance, Andeas
- Andreas Frick, Univerity of Karlsruhe, Germany: ul63@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 94 12:22:14 +0100 (CET)
- From: Christian Karpp <chk@cider.rhein-neckar.de>
- Subject: linux for ppcs (native)?
- hello,
- are there plans for a nativ implementation of linux for the power-pcs?!?
- I'd be happy about _any_ information, mail-servers etc...
- please reply via email, thanx!
- Xn.
- --
- -- "When in doubt, use brute force" - Ken Thompson (Yes, that one).
- --
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 14:12:36 EST
- Subject: loading image in MacWeb
- In IM #130, Roger Marks asks about displaying GIF's from MacWeb.
- You need a helper application, such as JPEG or any other GIF viewer. You can
- designate the particular helper application by using the "Helpers...." command
- in the Edit menu.
- Bruce Troen
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 18:32:54 -0600
- From: forbes@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu (Graeme Forbes)
- Subject: Looking for a (logical symbol) Font (A)
- Some of the symbols Jonathan Lundell asked about are in the Symbol font.
- However, if you want the full AMS/Computer Modern character set, you may
- find it worth spending the money to get the Lucida package from Y&Y, which
- includes 4 symbol fonts plus many others. Nisus users beware, tho'. Nisus
- mishandles printing these fonts. I don't know if the bug's been fixed in
- Nisus Writer.
- Y&Y: 800-742 4059, 508-371-3286, fax 508 371 2004.
- The educational price for the whole set - Sans and Serif text fonts,
- TypeWriter, Fax, Calligraphy, BlackLetter, the 4 math fonts and no doubt
- other stuff I'm forgetting, is (or was) $165.
- My own subjective opinion is that the Y&Y version of the basic
- Bigelow&Holmes designs for the text fonts is superior to Adobe's.
- Graeme Forbes
- Just a happy customer, not the owner of Y&Y.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 11:33:51 -0400
- From: jsever@crrel41.crrel.usace.army.mil (John Severance)
- Subject: Mac Plus
- I'm hoping someone out there can help me out. I have a MacPlus that, like
- so many of them, recently died. The SCSI port and drive cable are 19-pin
- connectors. Is there a way I can access the disk (assuming it is ok) and
- retrieve my files? I'm now using a Mac II and the SCSI connector is
- 25-pin. Are there such things as adapters from 25-pin to 19-pin? Can I
- remove the drive from it's case? I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
- jsever@crrel41.crrel.usace.army.mil
- John
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 17:04:42 JST
- From: attjp4!lss@attjpn.att.com
- Subject: Microsoft Excel 5.0 Bad Disks?
- I've been trying to order Microsoft Excel 5.0 for over a week from
- MacConnection. They say their entire shipment came with bad diskettes and that
- customers have been complaining. They are waiting for new shipments. Can
- anyone confirm this?
- Thanks, Larry Staples
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 19:40:39 -0400
- From: lstein@panix.com (Luke Stein)
- Subject: Mosaic 200a8.68k does some crazy stuff
- To repeat the oft quoted first line of a submission to info-mac:
- "subject says it all"
- In versions up to a8, I have not experienced similar problems. Constant
- crashes, Open URL... has no response, regardless of Greg's Buttons menus
- are in applesuglymonospacedfont. If anybody has any similar problems,
- please help me. Also, does anyone know where I can get a copy of Mosaic
- 200a6 (notice Alpha SIX). I can't find it anywhere, and I want to continue
- using it until I can fix my problems with A8
- muchly gracious,
- <+>lukestein
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 13:03:49 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Michael Nibeck <nibeck@Pentagon-EMH6.army.mil>
- Subject: Performa 578??
- Does anyone have any opinions/comments/snyde remarks about the Performa
- 578?(I'm pretty sure thats the number).
- It's the all in one unit(monitor attached), 69040, CDROM, etc, etc..
- Thought I found a pretty good deal on one and was wondering if anyone has
- heard anything good/bad about them.
- Thanks,
- Mike Nibeck
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 15:26:40 -0500
- From: clarkw@sam.neosoft.com (Clark R. Wilkins)
- Subject: Positive comments about 7.5? Faster? Huh?
- >Date: Mon, 03 Oct 94 17:28:11 PDT
- >From: Vegemite@eworld.com
- >Subject: Mac OS v7.5
- >
- >I've just recently upgraded to the latest system software and I'm very happy
- >with Apple's efforts. I have found the Finder to much faster and, along with
- >many other things, I love all of the enhancements to the many control panels.
- Faster? Not according to my Speedometer results. I find this amazing.
- Anyone else have a similar experience?
- Clark R. Wilkins <clarkw@sam.neosoft.com>
- -My words are responsible for themselves-
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 23:28:00 -0400
- From: Mark Stephansky Whitman-Hanson 617-447-7020 <STEPHANSKYM@a1.mec.mass.edu>
- Subject: Printer driver for HP Deskjet Plus
- Hi Folks:
- A while back I saw a post for attaching a HP DeskJet to a Macintosh. I have
- just
- fallen into this situation (i.e., a FREE Deskjet has arrived at my door and I
- would like to use it with my Mac LC III). Does anyone remember or have access
- to
- a printer driver for this type of set up?
- Thanks,
- Mark Stephansky
- StephanskyM@a1.mec.mass.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 04:42:18 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Richard Lim <rlim@well.sf.ca.us>
- Subject: Problems with new modems
- We are having big problems with a newly-purchased US Robotics 14.4 kbaud
- Sportster fax modem. It doesn't seem to work at all when connected to the
- modem port (with AppleTalk on or off) - the modem lights flash a little
- and then the terminal software or fax software will present a message
- about being unable to communicate with the modem. However, the modem works
- just about fine when connected to the printer port (with AppleTalk off). I
- say "just about", because the fax software that goes with it (FaxSTF
- 2.6.1) still has some problems, refusing to start dialing when sending
- faxes. I wonder if anyone else has had similar problems with this make of
- modem, or is it just that our IIcx's modem port has somehow got fried over
- the years? (Yes, this is just like my problem of several months back when
- my LC475 modem port got fried twice by lightning!) We are running System
- Update 3.0, by the way, and the terminal software is Microphone LT which
- was bundled with the modem.
- Richard Lim
- (in Singapore, despite that US address!)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 94 20:40:05 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: QuickCONNECT II???
- I just came accross a networking device and need help identifying it...
- It is about the size of a modem, platinum in color, and labelled
- "QuickCONNECT II" on the front. There are two DB-9 connectors on the front
- panel and several red LED's. On the rear there are eight RJ-12 jacks and one
- DB-8 "Modem" connector.
- What is it? A hub? A net modem? Who makes it? Does anyone have the company's
- phone number so I can get docs for it?
- Scott Coats
- Innovative Solutions
- (well, not so Innovative this time...)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 5 Oct 1994 08:20:08 U
- From: "Leiner_Dave" <dave.leiner@msmail.mtv.gtegsc.com>
- Subject: Quickdraw GX Install Problem
- I tried installed Quickdraw GX (and System 7.5) on a Mac II with 12MB RAM and a
- 50MHZ 68030 Logicache accelerator. The install went fine, but when the Mac
- booted, the Quickdraw GX icon had a black X through it and I got an error box
- that said Quickdraw GX will not be active because its graphic system is not
- installed. A call to Apple yielded no clue. Any ideas?
- --Dave
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 94 11:39:58 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: SCSI Manager 4.3 Conflicts
- Clark R. Wilkins (clarkw@sam.neosoft.com) writes:
- >Subject: Totally unimpressed with System 7.5
- >
- >I loaded in 7.5 from CD-ROM yesterday to try to fix my problems with
- >RamDoubler and other hangups. Instead of getting any relief, I have found
- >7.5 to be abysmally SLOW. I often experience delays when trying to select
- >an icon of up to 5 seconds!. Starting file sharing can take several
- >minutes, and even took 67 seconds after I tried deleting the PDS files for
- >each of the four partitions. (Formerly, this would take about 8-10
- >seconds).
- >
- >Is there any possibility that something like SCSI Manager 4.3 might be
- involved in >this? Just a hunch.
- I ran into several init conflicts that I traced to SCSI Manager 4.3 on my
- Q950. I finally gave up and disabled it.
- I have a fujitsu 2GB drive...does anyone know if it's a matter of the drive
- not being accessible to SCSI Manager 4.3, or what?
- Scott Coats
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 16:33:46 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Michael Cohen <lymond@netcom.com>
- Subject: Seeking speed reports from PowerMac users [R]
- Dear Allan Hunter--
- >From your post in Info-Macv12n130 ("Seeking speed reports from
- PowerMac users"), it sounds like you want anecdotal impressions of
- the move to a PowerMac--good, because I don't have any
- Speedometer-type tables to send you; just my impressions.
- I have a PowerMac 7100/66AV and I find that even in emulation mode it
- tends to run as fast as my previous office machine, a Centris 610,
- and *much* faster than my old faithful and still running home pal, a
- IIcx.
- I use MacWrite Pro 1.5 (non-native; I don't have the upgrade yet),
- and it works just fine in emulation. ClarisWorks 2.1 native is *very*
- snappy. Photoshop 2.5.1 with the power plug handles plug in filters
- okay (those requiring an FPU don't work, since they don't recognize
- the 601's FPU capabilities) but other operations that the power plug
- accelerates seem fast enough to me (I am not a graphics pro, so I
- don't know what fast REALLY is, but I don't feel that I do a lot of
- sitting and waiting). I haven't done much Excel work on the PowerMac,
- so I can't give you much to go on there; ClarisWorks meets my
- relatively limited spreadsheet needs quite adequately.
- HyperCard 2.2 seems slower than on the Centris when updating the
- menubar and starting up/quitting. In other operations though, it
- seems to run at slow 040 speeds.
- Very little older software I had did not work, and, of that, it was
- mostly extensions and control panels that flaked. The new AfterDark
- (3.0) works very well in my case, though others have had problems
- (usually extension conflicts). I recommend ditching ATM unless you
- have the PowerMac version, because it will make everything slower. I
- also recommend archiving most of your current extensions and only
- load in the ones you really really need at first and see where that
- gets you.
- All in all, I was able to move from an 030 16mHz to a PPC601 66mHz
- with very little pain and considerable gain. It helps to get the
- optional cache card for the PowerMac 6100 and 7100 (it is standard on
- the 8100): after I put one in, the machine just felt smoother (though
- it was pretty good before). Don't skimp on RAM; start off with at
- least 16Mb if you can possibly afford it.
- Good luck.
- Michael E. Cohen
- a.k.a. Lymond@netcom.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 05 Oct 94 09:05:00 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: Sharing Toggle
- Roger Marks (marks@boulder.nist.gov) writes:
- >Subject: can't eject SyQuest disks with File Sharing on
- >
- >I can't eject SyQuest disks with File Sharing on, even though Sharing is
- >disabled for the disk I'd like to remove.
- >
- >Is there a workaround?
- OK. I'll add to the volumes you've probably already received...you MUST turn
- file sharing off or use an "unmounting" utiltiy such as Apple's. I find Adam
- Stein's shareware program FileSharingToggle a lot more convenient (
- 800-242-4775, $10 plus S/H). I only wish it wasn't two programs (one ON, the
- other OFF) and instead simply had two radio buttons in the same window. But
- it works great!
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Oct 1994 17:45:17 U
- From: "Jim Senkiw" <senkiw@KnK.com>
- Subject: Spanish Translation
- Spanish Translation
- I am looking for an english to spanish translator sw package for the MAC ..
- Preferably freeware or shareware.. If any of you know of or where I can find
- such a thing Please e-Mail me at senkiw@knk.com thanks in advance..... Jim
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 05 Oct 94 09:05:07 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: Stats Packages
- >My son is working toward an MBA at the University of Chicago and needs a
- >good Mac statistics program. I note that the major programs advertised in
- >MacUser and MacWorld are in the $600+ range. Are there any good programs
- >that cost far less? Regardless of cost, how do the various programs stack
- >up in terms of capabilities? Obviously, a program designed for
- > business/finance use would not need all of the features of a fully robust
- >scientific program. I would appreciate any advice anyone on the net could
- > give me. Thanks.
- I've used SPSS, SYSTAT, JMP, StatVIEW, and MiniTab extensively. At the risk
- of generating a flame war, of all these I would suggest SPSS for social
- science majors and MiniTab for business majors. Why? These two packages are
- pretty standard in the environments I mentioned. There is also an excellent
- program called Statistix for both Mac and DOS that is good for process
- control (sort of a MiniTab on steroids). DataDesk is another very good
- package.
- MacUser or MacWorld did an extensive review of the various feature sets about
- a year and a half ago...try one of the commercial nets and search for the
- text.
- DataDesk, JMP and StatVIEW are the programs that implement the Mac OS the
- best. The others are decidedly DOS holdovers (fully command driven, although
- SYSTAT has ported the program the best, SPSS has *not*). StatVIEW is good for
- neophytes because it is intuitive. Experienced users will probably find
- SYSTAT and SPSS easier in the long run. SPSS also has the largest feature
- set, but can be VERY pricey if you're buying as an individual.
- For visualization, you can't beat JMP and SYSTAT.
- Obviously, the choices depend heavily on the environment and the task. I
- would suggest that he hold off until he actually takes a graduate level stats
- class as most of us are particular about what students use to make supporting
- their efforts more manageable. There is also an excellent shareware program
- called GLMStat 1.2.2 that provides basic two-tailed tests, etc. Probably the
- best bet due to the low investment until your son finds out what package is
- *required* at his school.
- Scott Coats
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 15:25:29 -0500
- From: clarkw@sam.neosoft.com (Clark R. Wilkins)
- Subject: System 7.5 performance is disappointing
- After evaluating 7.5 for about a week, I have concluded that there seems to
- be no substantial benefit to the upgrade. There are several points I would
- like to bring up:
- 1. The performance on the PowerMac is lousy at best. One would think that
- there would be
- more native system code to increase speed. The fact is that Speedometer
- 4.0 shows the
- performance is poorer that 7.1.2- even with a virgin system.
- 2. I have heard from others who have noted that file sharing startup can
- take up to several
- minutes. This delayed startup is intermittent and extremely annoying.
- Imagine starting a
- shutdown, and then having to wait for 3-4 minutes before the action
- completes!
- 3. The new features of PowerTalk and Quickdraw are (a) very memory hungry,
- (b) very
- resource hungry, and (c) very useless for the majority of us.
- 4. Many of the new features of 7.5 like WindowShade, sticky notes, MacTCP,
- hierarchial
- apple menus, and bug fixes are available without 7.5. The hierarchial
- menus, for example, are
- much better implemented in MenuChoice 2.0 which works inside all
- applications rather than
- just the Finder. The bug fixes are available from Apple already.
- To conclude, I am running 7.5 simply because it cost me a $100 + tax. If
- you haven't paid for it yet, I would advocate spending your money on other
- things and waiting for a real upgrade.
- (asbestos shields up)
- Clark R. Wilkins <clarkw@sam.neosoft.com>
- -My words are responsible for themselves-
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 21:06:48 -0500
- From: katarhol@pond.com (Tomas B. Lim)
- Subject: Thumbnail icon maker FOUND!
- I would like to publicly thank the following fellow netters for their
- prompt response to my original request regarding freeware/shareware to
- generate a thumbnail icon for graphics files.
- irbloom@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu (Al Bloom)
- Lars.Oestreicher@csd.uu.se (Lars Oestreicher)
- iedh1@agt.gmeds.com ( Daniel J. Hofferth (317)230-4791/Allison Engine
- Company)
- I am now using GraphicConverter 2.0 to generate the thumbnail icon among
- other things for my graphics files.
- Thanks also to 'Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>' for pointing me to
- the author of MacSoup with regard to my PS inquiry.
- Please allow me to tip my hat in appreciation and thanks to the above in
- particular and to the Info Mac community in general for their help and for
- the opportunity to share our resources like this.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 11:04:33 BST
- From: Chris Reed <c.s.reed@sheffield.ac.uk>
- Subject: Thumbnail icon maker s/w
- katarhol@pond.com (Tomas B. Lim) asked:
- >Does there currently exist a freeware/shareware utility for the Mac (I am
- >using 7.1 w/ SU 3.0) that can turn the icon of a graphics file (must handle
- >GIF, JPEG, pict, and other common Mac graphics formats, ie. at least those
- >recognized by GIFConverter) into a thumbnail of the graphic itself
- >available via ftp on the net?
- Try GraphicConverter, available from your local Info-Mac mirror.
- Cheers,
- Chris
- Chris Reed DTP Design Unit
- Email: C.S.Reed@Sheffield.ac.uk University of Sheffield
- Tel: 0114 282 4161 (direct line) SHEFFIELD
- Fax: 0114 279 6395 S10 2TN, United Kingdom
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 12:08:19 -0700
- From: Ian McCall <ian@eruvia.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: Visual C/C++ on SoftWindows?
- Is it possible to run Visual C/C++ using SoftWindows?
- I know about the enhanced mode restriction on SoftWindows, but don't know
- whether that product requires enhanced mode. Visual Basic doesn't seem to -
- at least no mention is made on the box about requiring above a 286. On the
- other hand, Microsoft C/C++ v7 does require enhanced mode (and a mind
- transplant - a GUI development tools whose front-end is DOS driven...?).
- This is a crucial question for me. I'm a developer by trade and commercial
- reality forces me to learn Windows programming. I'd prefer to do that under
- emulation on a Power Mac, since I don't really give a damn about Windows as
- my main every day usage platform. On the other hand the job market dictates
- that I really have to learn Windows programming and Visual C++ in
- particular, and so if I can't run this package I'll probably end up buying
- a PC. I don't want to, but on the other hand I can't really afford not to
- career-wise.
- Thanks in advance for any information.
- Cheers,
- Ian
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
- ******************************